The brick pits at Kingsgrove were established in the early 1940s – despite the objections of locals, apparently…
Sydney Morning Herald 21 May 1940, courtesy Trove.
By the early 70s, most of the operation had ceased, leaving large open areas with numerous hills and gullies – great for mini bikes….
There were two pits – IMBTC operated in the southern one – the northern pit was flooded.
View from the eastern access road, looking west. Beverly Hills church on the horizon. Houses in Glamis St. at top…the noise must have driven the owners mad…
From left: Col Dunstan, Bruce Mobbs, George Boatwright, Val Dunstan, Margaret Mobbs, Laurel Plowman, Doreen Cowan (obscured), unknown, Fay Boatwright(?), unknown, Harry Brennan with Lane, Dot Palmer, Cliff, Len Cowan.
If you recognise the people between Laurel and Harry, please let me know.